Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Monster in my Head

The past week I had a horrendous migraine; one that I wouldn't wish on anyone. The first day was when I met with my cardiologist. Why is it that every doctors office has fluorescent lights? I almost feel like I should carry sunglasses in my purse for "just in case" instances.

During my initial visit with my cardiologist, which took 2 hours, I kept loosing track of what was being said, because of the lupus fog and because it felt like I had an ice pick chiseling in my temple and behind my eye ball.

After I left the cardiologists office I walked out to the parking lot and realized the only way out of the parking lot to the road was the opposite way I needed to go. When you have a migraine you don't need added confusion. It only intensifies things and flusters you even more. I can only sympathize with dementia patients at this point.

I got into my SUV and pulled out of the parking lot and went the opposite way I wanted to go and then had to figure out where I was going to turn around. Really? This was way too much thinking for me since my head felt like I had a growth that wanted to explode.

I finally found the way home onto the expressway and the sun is blaring. Where are my sunglasses? OK, found my sunglasses and I'm on my way home.

Once I get home I take my Zomig nasal spray and go to bed.

Day #2 I wake up still miserable. I spent most of the day in bed; actually until 2:30pm. This pain in my head is not leaving and my family is extremely loud. My husband asked how my head was and I told him I'm not well. He showed me a Dixie cup full of medicine. I was confused; which isn't unusual. But this time the Dixie cup was full of my nighttime medicine that I forgot to take the night before. Well, that explains a lot! See, when I have a monster inside my head I am more forgetful and this is particular night is not unusual. Therefore my head was far from good since I forgot my meds.

Day #3 was my husband and his sister's birthday get together at their parents house. The drive was well over an hour from our house. I got up early and put on my happy face. How I portray myself on the outside is always much different than I feel on the inside; especially on this day. I had to feel or die! I made sure I took my pain pills and a Zomig nasal spray.

My father-in-law asked what I wanted to drink when we arrived, I said, "Do you have any red wine?" I was prepared for a little self medicating. Yes, red wine is a no-no for migraines, but I needed a little numbing. My husbands family is Latin and they're fun and they're loud. So, my head was pounding after a while. On the way home I took more pain pills.

Day #4 was basically a blur. Honestly I felt like death warmed over. I woke my husband and asked him if he'd get the boys ready for school and take them to school. This monster in my head was stomping around and felt like it was having a MMA fight with another monster. Possibly King Kong vs Godzilla. I don't know but it was like bombs going off up there.

Day #5 I was out of my Zomig nasal spray! Who thought it was a good idea to put 6 nasal sprays in the monthly allowance box? Who seriously did this? Was it a man a woman? Whoever it was wasn't a compassionate person who has migraines. Since I was out of the Zomig I had to go the pharmacy. I was not thrilled to go outside but since I had to go out that meant I had to take the boys to school as well. Although I did think about sticking my head in the snow.

After I dropped the boys off to school I drove into the Walgreen's drive-thru pharmacy. I got there early; 8:56am. Since they open the pharmacy at 9:00am I was looking at my emails. Every now and then I'd look in my rear view mirror and cars were arriving behind me. Now my migraine felt like King Kong vs Godzilla were really going at it big time. It felt like King Kong was ripping off buildings in my head and Godzilla was swinging from tree branches which is probably my brain stem (my neck hurt too).

At this point I was sitting in the drive thru for 16 minutes. I wasn't happy at this point. I usually don't get upset at "service" people, but my first imagine of the pharmacist when he/she was going to be me throwing my coffee in their face as I ask for my prescription. OK, that's extreme, I wouldn't do that, but I was waiting forever it seemed like and my head was pounding so bad!

Finally at 9:20 the pharmacist pulled up the drape and apologized for being late. He explained someone called in sick and he was covering for someone. I politely accepted his apology and asked for my Zomig. The bad image of me tossing my coffee at him disappeared while all I could think of is relief within 20 minutes (I hope).

That evening, our 6 year old became ill with a wet cough. I knew this cough all too well from him and knew it couldn't turn out good.

Day #6 My migraine is still a battle between the monsters and our son is sick. I can't really focus too much on myself because I have to focus on our son. My husband is now taking care of our 4 year old who has to go off to school. My 6 year old has been sleeping with me as his wet cough has been getting worse. I can't even think of me at this point. My entire focus is on him. But, in the back of my head I feel that pain pounding and behind my eye as well in my temple.

Day #7 Hallelujah Praise the Lord! The monsters in my head are (shhhh) asleep......

As for our son, he's still really sick. He has a slight fever still and his wet cough is bad. I steam him in the shower, use Vick's; all the home remedy's. He's not getting better.

Day #8 Our son has been diagnosed with pneumonia. This is the 3rd time. Actually his doctor said the 2nd time because the other time was pre-pneumonia. Huh? I'm counting it as 3 since the paperwork came from her. He's on antibiotics and cough medicine now. I also have his inhaler when needed. Apparently he keeps getting pneumonia because he has so many allergies. His pediatrician says that people who have asthma and a lot of allergies are prone to pneumonia. My poor child.

Today is day #9 for me and day #4 for him and he's doing better; although his cough is lingering though. and his little brother has a wet cough which I pray doesn't develop into anything serious.

As for me, my migraine hasn't returned since day #6 and today is the first full day of the heart monitor "wearing".

This is life as I now know it, with the monsters in my head and all of the craziness that follows.

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