Tuesday, April 3, 2012

~ Times of Change ~

It's been quite some time since I've last posted in my blog. Things have changed, I've been sick, plans have been made, etc.....

On a good note, I'm an admin of my favorite support group: FieRce Against LuPuS! I love this group and love-love the other admins in this group too! The Walk for Lupus Now walk is in NYC on May 19th, 2012 this year and I'm flying out there for the walk! I'm so excited for this. I'm meeting one of the admins at the Laguardia airport on May 18th and we're staying at Club Quarters Wall Street. I even bought my travel size toiletries already & have them packed in a zip lock bag. I've been counting down the days forever; it seems like.

My lupus is in full force and will not stop showing its ugly head. I've been upgraded to "chronic lupus" now. I thought for sure I'd get a plaque or medal for this level of lupus. But, nothing...just more lupus flares....more joint pain, more fevers, more migraines, more bone against bone feeling. Lupus isn't for sissies! You have to be one tough chick to handle this disease! 

I had my monthly rheumatology appointment today. My rheumy upped my hydroxy from 300mg/daily to 400mg/daily. He said my knees feel like they're swollen & warm to the touch - Duh! Ha. Tell me something I don't already know...

He gave me an injection in my left Bursa. I already feel a difference; for the better. He wants more labs drawn b/c my C3 & C4 are so out of whack! Lupus has never ever stopped showing its ugly face. He wants me to consider Benlysta. I need to call our insurance & find out if its covered & do more reading up on it. 

When I told him my flares went down from 13/month to 10/month he asked me to explain what a flare was and if they're consistent/back to back. I told him I had a few days that were back to back and he asked me to explain how i came out of those. Really? Then when I told him he didn't understand. Ugh....

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