If you're not a Lupie, you might ask yourself, "What does a Lupie really do with herself all day long?" Well, I'm here to tell you what a Lupie does all day long. My normal day isn't much different than yours other than the fact that I have Lupus and I take a gazillion different pills a day.
My alarm goes off at 5:30 am Monday through Friday. Most mornings the alarm jars me awake. It takes me a couple of minutes to gather myself to sit up in bed, and make sure I'm steady before I actually stand up. The blood pressure medicine and channel blocker medicine I take can make me pass out so I want to make sure I don't stand up too quickly and knock myself out. That would be a very rude awakening for my family, well....and myself.
I'm a type "A" personality and have OCD, which means my clothes and shoes are already picked out and waiting for me in the bathroom. I showered the night before so all I need to do is basics of washing up, touching and finishing up. Most importantly, I must take my array of medicine(s). 30 minutes later I emerge from the bathroom and head downstairs.
My trusty Keurig is waiting for me or is it that I'm waiting for it? Either way I need coffee in a big way and I need my medicine to kick in before I wake up my family in 1 hour. See, I get up at 5:30 so that I can be on my A-Game before everyone else gets up. If I get up when everyone else gets up, it's not a pretty sight. I'm in pain and I won't have my caffeine in me. What do they say? "Happy mommy happy life?"
I have one hour to myself before I wake up my boys and my husband. I have time to check my email and time to surf social media and best of all I can feel that my pain meds and my Lupus meds are beginning to kick in. Life is becoming good!
Darn it...that one hour went by too fast, as it always does....
I must wake up the family. I wonder how long it's going to take me today to get everyone up??? I wonder how many times I have to walk back and forth, from bedroom to bedroom to get these boys up? I wonder how many times I'm going to hear, "I'M TIRED, I'M COLD, I DON'T WANT TO GET UP!" Yadda, yadda, yadda....Finally I call in reinforcement by yelling at their dad, "Could you please help me get these boys up???" OK, it's not that bad all of the time, but most of the time it is.
Once they're dressed and downstairs it's the ultimate fight of what they want for breakfast. I won't get into that because it's just insane. Our 5 year old takes hot lunch when the school serves hot dogs and chicken nuggets. Yea, you heard it here first. Processed food is served at school. So the days when he eats cold lunch I pack him strawberries and bananas because his idea of lunch is Oreo's and Wavy Chips. His lunch is another battle all together.
By 8:00 am I'm getting the boys off to school and when I drop them off I'm so mentally exhausted from the morning drama that I can't wait to get to the gym! Yes, that's right, I go to the gym and workout! When I said I was getting ready in the morning where did you think I was going? Hmmm...
Exercise is the best thing a person with any form of arthritis can and should do for their body. It takes a lot of motivation and encouragement to get there but once you get over that hump you'll love it and be glad you've done it.
I generally workout between 1 1/2 - 2 hours 3-4 times a week. I do yoga, cardio and light weights. I not only do this for weight loss, muscle growth but I do it for my joints. I need to keep my joints healthy. a lot of the lupus meds along with the other meds I take tend to add water weight and general weight gain on my body so by doing this I have lost not only inches but actual water weight and weight itself. This is great for the body and mind.
I have some fitness boards on my Pinterest page. They're categorized by body areas that you want to target. Please feel free to check out the boards: https://www.pinterest.com/reginavillalobo/
After my workout, I go home and eat a healthy lunch that consists of fruit and cottage cheese. I'll cut up a banana, pear, apples and a nectarine. I drink at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day. I drink most of the water during my workout.
By this time it's nearing noon, so I'm doing some laundry, dishes and things around the house. I usually vacuum because boys are messy and a lot of their food ends up on the floor. I swear they have a hole in their lip! If our boys weren't allergic to dogs this would be a great time to own one. The dog could eat all the crumbs and I wouldn't need to vacuum daily.
If I have time, I head downstairs and work on my jewelry. Designing helps clear my mind and puts me in a creative mode. I have to set my alarm for this because I could do this all day and time just seems to get away from me.
By 3:15 pm I have to leave to pick up the boys from school. Right after school, our oldest must get his homework done before any playtime activities. I'm thankful our older son is brilliant because some of his homework I don't even understand!
The day slips away from me and before I know it, it's dinner time, then it's time for the boys to shower. We always read at nighttime. The boys must read for at least 20 minutes every night. We're so fortunate that our boys love to read and they're both fantastic readers. Then 8:00 pm arrives at we hit the hay~
Where did my day go?
My alarm goes off at 5:30 am Monday through Friday. Most mornings the alarm jars me awake. It takes me a couple of minutes to gather myself to sit up in bed, and make sure I'm steady before I actually stand up. The blood pressure medicine and channel blocker medicine I take can make me pass out so I want to make sure I don't stand up too quickly and knock myself out. That would be a very rude awakening for my family, well....and myself.
I'm a type "A" personality and have OCD, which means my clothes and shoes are already picked out and waiting for me in the bathroom. I showered the night before so all I need to do is basics of washing up, touching and finishing up. Most importantly, I must take my array of medicine(s). 30 minutes later I emerge from the bathroom and head downstairs.
My trusty Keurig is waiting for me or is it that I'm waiting for it? Either way I need coffee in a big way and I need my medicine to kick in before I wake up my family in 1 hour. See, I get up at 5:30 so that I can be on my A-Game before everyone else gets up. If I get up when everyone else gets up, it's not a pretty sight. I'm in pain and I won't have my caffeine in me. What do they say? "Happy mommy happy life?"
I have one hour to myself before I wake up my boys and my husband. I have time to check my email and time to surf social media and best of all I can feel that my pain meds and my Lupus meds are beginning to kick in. Life is becoming good!
Darn it...that one hour went by too fast, as it always does....
I must wake up the family. I wonder how long it's going to take me today to get everyone up??? I wonder how many times I have to walk back and forth, from bedroom to bedroom to get these boys up? I wonder how many times I'm going to hear, "I'M TIRED, I'M COLD, I DON'T WANT TO GET UP!" Yadda, yadda, yadda....Finally I call in reinforcement by yelling at their dad, "Could you please help me get these boys up???" OK, it's not that bad all of the time, but most of the time it is.
Once they're dressed and downstairs it's the ultimate fight of what they want for breakfast. I won't get into that because it's just insane. Our 5 year old takes hot lunch when the school serves hot dogs and chicken nuggets. Yea, you heard it here first. Processed food is served at school. So the days when he eats cold lunch I pack him strawberries and bananas because his idea of lunch is Oreo's and Wavy Chips. His lunch is another battle all together.
By 8:00 am I'm getting the boys off to school and when I drop them off I'm so mentally exhausted from the morning drama that I can't wait to get to the gym! Yes, that's right, I go to the gym and workout! When I said I was getting ready in the morning where did you think I was going? Hmmm...
Exercise is the best thing a person with any form of arthritis can and should do for their body. It takes a lot of motivation and encouragement to get there but once you get over that hump you'll love it and be glad you've done it.
I generally workout between 1 1/2 - 2 hours 3-4 times a week. I do yoga, cardio and light weights. I not only do this for weight loss, muscle growth but I do it for my joints. I need to keep my joints healthy. a lot of the lupus meds along with the other meds I take tend to add water weight and general weight gain on my body so by doing this I have lost not only inches but actual water weight and weight itself. This is great for the body and mind.
I have some fitness boards on my Pinterest page. They're categorized by body areas that you want to target. Please feel free to check out the boards: https://www.pinterest.com/reginavillalobo/
After my workout, I go home and eat a healthy lunch that consists of fruit and cottage cheese. I'll cut up a banana, pear, apples and a nectarine. I drink at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day. I drink most of the water during my workout.
By this time it's nearing noon, so I'm doing some laundry, dishes and things around the house. I usually vacuum because boys are messy and a lot of their food ends up on the floor. I swear they have a hole in their lip! If our boys weren't allergic to dogs this would be a great time to own one. The dog could eat all the crumbs and I wouldn't need to vacuum daily.
If I have time, I head downstairs and work on my jewelry. Designing helps clear my mind and puts me in a creative mode. I have to set my alarm for this because I could do this all day and time just seems to get away from me.
By 3:15 pm I have to leave to pick up the boys from school. Right after school, our oldest must get his homework done before any playtime activities. I'm thankful our older son is brilliant because some of his homework I don't even understand!
The day slips away from me and before I know it, it's dinner time, then it's time for the boys to shower. We always read at nighttime. The boys must read for at least 20 minutes every night. We're so fortunate that our boys love to read and they're both fantastic readers. Then 8:00 pm arrives at we hit the hay~
Where did my day go?
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