Tuesday, April 7, 2015

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime

You know that poem, "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."? Well, I have a few lifetime friends, and a couple of women I recently met that I strongly believe that were brought into my life for a reason. However they have become lifetime friends. I would and could never give up the deep friendship and love I have developed for these women.

I was having a meeting with one of these dear women today and we were discussing the upcoming Lupus Fundraiser. When she was talking about all of the people that have lupus and those affected with this invisible disease you could see how affected she is by this cruel disease. She doesn't have this disease, but she is as close to the disease as you can get. Her oldest daughter was diagnosed with Lupus when she was 12 years old [she's now 17], so the passion my dear friend feels is too real for anyone to describe. Lupus attacked her daughters liver, heart, lungs and kidneys (Nephritis). She was on Cytoxin for 2 years, both on IV Chemo and pill form. 

My girlfriend then took hold and total control of her families lifestyle and eating habits. She realized that healing began inside and within. After much research and soul searching her kitchen, household products, pretty much their lifestyle changed. Her daughter was able to get off all of the toxic medication that was suppose to make her better. After some time her labs all began coming back PERFECTLY! She's feeling great, she looks great and she has quality of life. And that's what it's all about. A teenage girl can have her high school life back. She can hang out with friends, she can play sports, she can just be herself and have fun. She doesn't have to worry about Prednisone making her swell and have a puffy face. No teenage girl should have to worry about that. No mom should have to worry about her daughter being sick from chemo treatments. Quality of life is a must especially when you're 17 years old!

My dear friend has a fire in her that's called passion, to find the reason why people like her daughter, myself and 1.5 million other people have Lupus. Is it our environment, is it caused from medicine, is it caused from a traumatic onset? We need further research and more funds. That's where the 3rd Annual Crystal Lake Lupus Fundraiser comes into place. We need you to be part of our community and event. Won't you please be part of our mission, fire and passion? 

Please join us Saturday, May 9th from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

In Front of
Benedictic's La Strata
40 N Williams St. Crystal Lake, IL  60014

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