Friday, May 4, 2012

~What a great day~

I've had a great day yesterday & wanted to share. My migraine was very minimal, not much joint pain either. It makes me wonder if I'm dreaming. Just.kidding. :-)

I took the boys to the mall. I had to return a coat and thought we'd hang out. The boys played at the play station. We took those goofy photo booth pictures,
 ate lunch & topped it off with a train ride around the mall 3x's! The boys were yelling "all aboard"! They had so much fun, which mad me happy.
The fun knocked Christian out & he was literally begging to go home. Charlies resting & I just painted my toe nails are great shade of purple ♥
(somehow I think this may be one of those pictures I can use against Charlie when he's older - ha)

These days are VERY rare and far between for me, so I wanted to share with my extended family ♥

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