Friday, May 4, 2012

Is a House a Home?

I never imagined we'd be in this position. We've had everything we always wanted and needed. Before the boys were born we tended to go over board, but we were carefree and most times careless. Seeing that we got ourselves in trouble, we buckled down and got it together just in time.

Again, we had everything we ever wanted. We got married and paid for nearly everything on our own; with only a little bit of help and a small budget. Looking back I'm still wondering if we buckled down then would it have mattered? Did it start to go wrong even then; in 6 years time? I don't think so. I think it happened in a shorter time frame. In less than 3 years...we lost it all...

As I'm sitting amongst boxes that are packed and ready to go...I'm still pondering the thought of "this is the first house we built", "this will be the last Christmas we had here", "this was the last birthday the boys had here". Is it really true what they say about a house not being a home until you make it your home? Only time will tell when the last box is moved out, when the last piece of furniture is out and when the last picture is off the wall. Will the remnants of our existence remain after we've left?

The stress takes its toll on us all differently and my Rock would prefer to keep me secluded so I'm not overly stressed. He would rather absorb the majority of the stress himself; like a sponge. I can see what its doing to him. Its eating away at his sleep, his concentration and his temper. I can't do much other than whats asked of me to help him. I'm basically in the dark. The unknown is scary for all of us.

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