Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm Grateful But...

For anyone who has a chronic illness or disease they know how difficult it can be to keep up with simple chores like grocery shopping,  house keeping or even doing the laundry.

Fortunately, for me, I have my Rock! He has stepped up to the plate numerous times. Not only does he do the grocery shopping, but he'll do the house work and laundry too.

This is not an easy task. For both of us that is. Mainly for me because I have to relinquish my OCD factor and for him he works 40 hours a week on top of the hour one way drive to work. This is when I'll either email him or call him to ask him to go shopping. If it's light items I can grocery shop. The heavier items he has to purchase (lupus just sucks these days!).

When The Rock does the laundry, he'll even do pre-soak's! If he sees the boys clothes have some stains on them, rather than using "stain stick" he'll also pre-soak. How many men do that? When it comes to folding, he's not the best, so I do that behind his back. But, I'm still grateful. He doesn't know how to match up the boys clothing, so he'll leave the shirts and shorts/pants laying aside for me to match up. I guess "Garanimals" were really made for men?!prettyPhoto

The Rock is a thorough cleaner. Almost too thorough because it takes him twice as long to do something than it did when I was able to clean. Sometimes I get frustrated, but then I re-think and I am just grateful that I have a husband who is willing to do all of this for me and our family. He even takes the vacuum attachments and vacuums under our bed! I honestly never thought of doing that!

All in all, I guess I don't have anything to complain about. I just need to be grateful that he's more than willing to do this for me and our family. Most of all, he puts up with me walking behind him and my OCD.

(ok my husband doesn't smoke and he doesn't look quite like this, but I loved this picture)

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