Sunday, July 15, 2012

The World According to Lupus

Sometimes as adults changes are made; some for the better and some for the worse. When those changes are made we have to take into consideration who those changes will affect and if those changes are made solely on a personal level or on professional level.

When changes are made based solely on a personal level but made in a professional arena, we must take a step back and ask ourselves if we want to be affiliated with this "organization" any further.

Due to the fact that this decision was made to go forth with a new support group, "YOU" Can't See Lupus,  we feel that we can provide further stability, freedom of speech, equality, education and be further advocates on the subject of lupus.

*Please join us at our new support group "YOU" Can't See Lupus is an online support Group for people with Lupus. This is a closed group where individuals can feel free to talk about their invisible disease without prejudice. We support our fellow "Lupies" with TLC ♥

We will give advice, but at no time do we claim to be doctors or nurses or any type of medical staff. It's always best to seek the attention of your doctor if you're not sure of your current medical condition.

Find us on FB at:

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